Monday, November 4, 2013

RR Assignment

Field Experience: Guideline for Running Record

Step 1. Do running record with an elementary student (from kindergarten to 2nd grade)
Step 2. Do a miscue analysis
Step 3. Write a mini lesson plan based on the miscue analysis
Step 4. Self Reflection on the entire experience

Running Records:
Accuracy rate: (146-3)/146x100=97%
Self-correct: 5+2/2=3.5 or 1:4
Error Rate Ratio: 146/5=1:30

Miscues Analysis:

Error/Self Correct

Total Number of Miscues 3
Total Number of Words 146
Number of Words minus miscues 143

Mini lesson plan 15-20 minutes
Intervention/: making connections, making inferences, drawing conclusions, determining the importance key events

*      Activate prior knowledge and begin with explicit probing questions. What is your favorite stuffed animal? What do you do to keep your stuffed animals safe? What would happen to you if you were left in the rain out side all night? Where did blue teddy bear go?  What happened to the blue teddy bear?  Let the student brainstorm for answers-

*      Draw out a cartoon strip of major events in the story to further develop connections to major key events. Write what is happening in the cartoon strip.

*      Let the student re-read the words Happened and They. Explain that Happened is past tense, and give examples.  

*      Let the student describe the, who, what, where, when, why and how to demonstrate understanding/comprehension of key connection details and events. What are the characters doing in the story?

*      Students can make inferences and explain actions, what happened to teddy-why did Blue Teddy go to see Dr. Koala bear?  Why did blue teddy’s mother say she does not know what to do?  Include key important facts.

Herbert was able to sound out 98% of the words correctly he had developed a method of self monitoring and self correcting him-self. Herbert has an acute capability of sounding out words and not stopping dead on unknown words. This was evident when the student begun using his own special cues. He chunked read Happened, by first saying the word he was familiar with Happy, and then sounded out the other part of the word. Also when Herbert came to the Unknown word Koala again he did not skip it but worked on it re-reading the first part and sounding out the rest of the word. Herbert was able to decode the word Koala and not re-read.  
 Herbert RR scores could be misleading because his reading rate indicates reading accuracy of 98% with a self monitoring rate of 1:4. His scores indicate independent levels reading but with minimal comprehension. However, Herbert was not able to give detailed events about the blue teddy bear losing his voice. Therefore Herbert did not detect the main problems in the text. However he did say the “teddy was wet because the children left him out side”; he was not able to make connections to events in the story. This required Herbert to analyze and make inferences to the why teddy lost his voice and had to say… AA-H.  The students retelling of the story demonstrate minimal comprehension with missing key details. A RR is a good method of measuring reading comprehension, but does not measure vocabulary skills. I now realize that a student can read with proficient word decoding skills, word recognition and lack comprehension. I will transfer what I have learned by instructing with differential instructions strategies creating many entry points to promote comprehension. Also, I will emphasis on inquiring to illicit student’s prior knowledge when it corresponds to the text before independent practice. Activating student’s prior knowledge will activate the student’s schema-and the student will be able to relate to the text, draw meaning, details, main events, and authors points of view.  


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