Sunday, October 20, 2013

Assignment #2 WK 6

a) What I learned about “reading fluency”

Reading fluency is the ability to read without word identification problems and the ability to relate reading to prior knowledge. Also reading fluency involves components of accuracy and automatic reading; student’s who read with accuracy recognize words and student who read with automaticity recognize words rapidity. Both accuracy and automaticity are simultaneously performed with smoothness, expressiveness and grade level reading rates (speed). Reading comprehension is also an element in fluency. Comprehending what is read leads to proper reading expression with little or no word stumbling.

b) How can you apply “fluency assessments” in your class room?
Fluency can be assessed by letting the students read a selection of text orally and if they misread a certain amount of words incorrectly according to the benchmark reading rates; this will indicate an accuracy reading problem. Also, analyzing miscue analysis for structure and visual dependencies. Another way to assess fluency is timed silent reading rates with a stop watch; silent reading rates can be divided in to how long it took the student to read the words by number of words read correctly. Also if students answer comprehension questions correctly; students are more likely to recognize words and comprehend what they have been reading. The reading selection to assess for accuracy has to be on the students reading level to ensure proper reading comprehension assessment. Less fluent readers lack word phrasing, comprehension and lack word expression. Read aloud’s-are good assessments for word expression and word phrasing.
On-going assessments-Create student monitoring antecedent notes for reading progress-could be in the form progress charts, rubrics, reading comprehension charts, from the beginning of the year or on going to expected year end goals. Writing samples should also be assessed because writing is some times synonymous indicators for reading fluency.

c) How will you plan your “Fluency Instruction?”

Model the technique of building fluency, expressive smooth reading-can be explained; explain reading in phases, and the use of voice to express the authors point of view, and how to read at a pace so that readers can keep up with text. Example of expressive reading-Hamlet-Shakespeare “to be or not to be-that is the question”, expressive reading can be practiced with poetry and drama skits for repeat-ability reading. Activities can include-technology; students can re-along with CD-ROM, practicing Duo-log reading-individually or in partners taking turns. Student can also practice with recorded books (10-15 minutes) and take notes of difficult parts of the recorded book for intervention discussion. Reading instruction will be a combination of silent reading and read-aloud’s. However silent individual reading will proceed prior to the read-aloud’s this gives student plenty of time to grapple with difficult words without pressure from peers. Activities can also include; choral reading, parent and student reading, higher leveled reader and lower leveled reader paired shared reading, and silent reading for pleasure.  


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