Monday, October 14, 2013

Assignment # 2 WK 5-After watching the video, answer the following questions on your blog

Assignment#2 after watching the video, answer the following questions on your blog. (Due Oct. 14, by midnight, on blog)
a. What surprised or interested you? I was surprised how organized these little children were-they took responsibility for what they were learning. I was interested in the use of the rather large hands-on Chinese Dragon-which has great significance in the Chinese culture. Modeling with the dragon was a very powerful hook to the story-read-aloud and all the children were very engaged.

b. What did you find that affirmed what you already knew or had been doing? I often incorporate sensory based models, and diagrams/art in my lessons and connect them to science content texts. This also helps with visual connections to literacy.

c. What new approaches or ideas will you try? My new approaches would be to include more cultural awareness for all my students. I also would like to including life sized models-I will try and order a life sized skeleton model for my students for my next observation of the skeleton system lesson.

d. What questions do you have? How often does Mrs. Wilson include different cultural logistics materials-and does she include the different cultures from all the students in her classroom community during the year?

e. After watching the video, do you think differently about classroom practices you observed through field experience?
Yes. It would be nice if the classrooms I observed demonstrated a little more cultural diversity; with the belief that all students no matter what their cultural difference’s are can learn. This classroom observation was superb-very detailed and organized. The children are very engaged and it looks like they were having fun learning.


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