Monday, October 14, 2013

WK 5 Assignment 3 RR

The student I had was an ELL student. He read with 97% accuracy rate and self monitored him-self on 1:4 reading rate. However he was unable to give detailed accounts or events of the story. He had difficultly with reading comprehension.
Retelling Checklist

Can the student tell you what happened in the story or the subject of the book in her or his own words? The student was unable to give detailed accounts of what happened in the story.
Does the student include details about the characters in the retelling? Can she or he explain the relationships between the characters? The student was able to state what the story was about a "whale and a fish"-that was about it-he could not give any details about either species.
Can the student describe the setting? How detailed is the description? The student was able to describe the setting-of the story-He said "it took place in the water".
Can the student recall the events of the story, and can she or he place them in the correct sequence? No the student had difficultly comprehending the facts and details of the story.
Can the student identify the problem and the resolution? The story line really did not have any problems.
Does the student use vocabulary from the text? The student did use three vocabulary words from the text-"Whale, Fish and Water".
Does the student's retelling demonstrate minimal, adequate, or very complete and detailed understanding of the text? The students reading rate demonstrate a 97% reading rate and 1:4 self motoring rate with difficulty comprehending what he is reading.

Interventions: Some comprehension strategies: Activate background knowledge, making connections, visualization, asking questions, making inferences, determine the importance and summarizing the events in the story.

I would ask the student what he knows about a fish-and could he compare a fish to a whale-noting the difference on a venn-diagram or T-chart. The student could also draw a diagram of a fish and whale noting the difference-as a visual aid. I would connect the text to the student’s prior knowledge-to activate schema. I would also, introduce visual aids-of the fish and the whale-a movie or colorful tech bite of ocean habitats that include a fish and whale.
Also, tell the students to make inference and explain actions, what is happening or what are the characters doing in the story (fish and the whale), include detailed events/facts that are important. This activity could also be done with a partner.

A good reader will try and pull from schema before reading, this helps with comprehension, and  comprehension is understanding-when the students understands what is read he will be able to retail the story with more details. 


At October 15, 2013 at 2:28 PM , Blogger Dr. Hsu said...

Firt of all, I'd like to comment on your ePortfolio: very organized and neat! Thank you for sharing with us a comprehensive analysis of your running record. This analysis tells us lots and lots about student's strengths and needs. Great intervention strategies, particularly this passage is considered "expository" or "informational" text, which is one of many main focuses in the CCSS. Exemplary work! :D :D


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